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Year 4

Home Learning


Maths, Writing and Reading activities will be added in the folders below each week for you to access, as well as a Topic and Science lesson.  A list of websites which you might find useful can be found on the home learning page.


This is an unusual time and I think it would be lovely for us all to keep a daily journal of what we get up to each day. Please continue to access your Doodle Maths daily and keep that mental recall of your times tables strong. 


I hope you enjoy learning from home and am looking forward to seeing you back in school soon!


Miss Pearson



Message from Miss Pearson

Other Activities

30 Day Lego Challenge for all you Lego Lovers out there!

Quote of the Week

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Joke of the Week


What did the left eye say to the right eye?

Answer: Between us, something smells!


When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look?

Answer: Because when you find it, you stop looking.


What do you call a pig that does karate?

Answer: Pork Chop
