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Oak Class (6)

Welcome to Oak Class!

 Mrs Card is our teacher.

Mrs Hardy is our TA.  


Dynamic Dynasties!

This project teaches children about the history of ancient China, focusing primarily on the Shang Dynasty, and explores the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today.


Find out more by looking at our Knowledge Organiser. 

You can find out about your home learning tasks for this topic by looking at the document below:


Destination Reader is our approach to teaching reading in KS2. It involves daily sessions incorporating whole class modelling prior to the children applying these skills through partner work and independent reading. Children deepen their understanding of the texts they read through the systematic use of a series of strategies and language stems. Destination Reader allows children to access real books of a high quality that are engaging and exciting.


In our reading lessons we will be studying the following books: 


Term 1 - Dragon Mountain, by Katie and Kevin Tsang

Term 2 - Blackberry Blue, by Jamila Gavin 


Our learning will focus on consolidating and extending knowledge of place value, calculation and fractions.

Our learning this year comes from the Maths No Problem programme. You can see an overview of the topics for Year 6 below: 


We keep a bookmark in our writing books to remind us of expectations for Year 6 writing. Have a look at our bookmark by clicking on the link below! 

You can find the National Curriculum spelling lists for KS2 by clicking on the documents below.
