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Term 3 - Is Our Climate Cool?

This week the children had to create a weather report explaining about the different weather conditions in different seasons. The children used a UK map to present their findings looking at the notes they had discussed and planned. 

Their Task: 

'Paddington is migrating to England and he is staying for a year. He is unsure what the climate is going to be like in the UK, as he has lived in Peru, where it is humid and hot. You are going to send him a video explaining what the climate and weather is like here in the UK so that he is prepared and ready to live here. You are going to report back to him the weather in the diffrent seasons in the UK just like a news reporter would' 

Here are some photos and videos. 


We can't wait to hear back from Paddington! 





Still image for this video

In this unit, the children will learn to read weather and climate maps, and learn how weather and climate are generalised into world climate zones. The concept of biomes will be explored, each with distinctive climate, soil, flora, fauna and human activity.


Each week we researching the different biomes. This research helps us to create a travel brochure explaining the characteristics of the biomes and comparing them from each other. We have already explored the Desert and the Reefs. 


We have been locating the world's climate zones on a globe and map.

We have been describing the different biomes. 

We have been using appropriate geographical vocabulary to describe weather, climate, climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts.




By the end of the unit 

All children can:

  • Indicate the tropical and polar climate zones on a globe or map
  • Describe the characteristics of these zones using appropriate vocabulary
  • Say what a biome is.


Most children can:

  • Indicate the tropical, temperate and polar climate zones on a globe or map
  • Describe the characteristics of these zones
  • Describe and compare some biomes using

appropriate vocabulary.


Some children can:

  • Locate most climate zones on a map or globe
  • Describe the characteristics of most zones introduced during the course of the unit
  • Explain why there is a relationship between climate and biome using appropriate vocabulary.


Key Vocabulary: 

Biome: geographical area defined by its climate,

plant and animal life and the activities of the people

who live there

Climate: weather patterns in a place over a long

period, such as seasonal rainfall, sunshine and


Desert: area with very little rain, extreme heat

and/or cold, where few forms of life can survive

Drought: period with very little or no rain

Environment:conditions to which a plant, animal

or person is adapted

Fauna: animals native to an area, such as birds,

reptiles and insects

Flora: plants native to an area, such as trees,

climbers, flowers and grasses

Grassland:large area covered with grasses

Rainfall: measured level of water that has fallen as

rain, snow, sleet or hail in a given period

Temperature:measured level of heat or cold in the air

Tropical: to do with the region on either side of the

Equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and


Tundra: land where the soil beneath the surface is

frozen all year and trees cannot survive the low

temperatures and short growing season.

Vegetation belt: area where similar types of

plant life grow, adapted to the conditions there

Weather: conditions in the atmosphere on a

particular day, such as temperature, windiness,

rainfall, hours of sunshine or cloud cover.


On Wednesday it was lovely to share some amazing and creative homework. We did a class gallery to see what everyone had produced.So much hard work and determination was put into their writing and designing, I could really see this! 





