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Secret FILE #999 -Lifestyles in the 1950s
Time to shine your magnifying glass beyond yourself and to travel back in time to the 1950's.
Vocabulary for your note book! - This list must be growing!
I wonder what it is like back in the 1950's?
TASK 1: Let's explore the some of the pictures and information that we have been given in the secret file? Choose maybe 4/5 pictures to discuss. The file attached below with photos and information. Pick a few pictures that you are interested or want to know more about and read the information to do with the pictures.
PARENTS: Encourage your child to talk about the pictures and information. Invite them to ask and answer questions, such as:
Challenge them to consider what has changed from 1950 to 2021 and why has it changed?
TASK 2: Black and white video
Here is an example of a black and white video I created all about the lifestyle in the 1950 compared with today.
Using the information and pictures that you choose to look at that you have discussed in task one can you create your own black and white video explaining life in 1950's. Use your pictures and research to explain how the life in the 1950's was different to modern day today.
When you are finished, why not find someone in your family to share your work with (you could even invite Granny and Grandpa to a Zoom family meeting!).