Dear Parents,
...and so to the 'holidays', which follow probably the strangest end of term any of us remember.
I do hope you are all keeping well and that you are finding some unexpected joys in amongst the difficulties of lock down and home learning.
Teachers will not be uploading lessons as such over the Easter holiday period. However, please encourage your children to continue their excellent work on Doodle Maths, Lexia (for those who use this) and keep reading and listening to stories. For those who would prefer to carry on as before, whilst teachers will not be uploading new lessons, there are still plenty of links on the main home learning page which will provide activities and learning for your children. You are, of course, welcome to do as much of this as you feel is right for your family over the break.
We wish you a very happy Easter and pray for the health of all of your families over the next couple of weeks. Should you need us in the interim, both the email and will be monitored throughout the holidays. Facebook pages are also being monitored, so please know that if you need us, we are here.
Kind regards,
Kathy Jax