Oak Class are off to a great start!
We have been actively involved in our new values launch. We attempted various activity points set up in the hall, each requiring the attributes of one of our values. The children thoroughly enjoyed each station and gave beautiful examples of how each value is used everyday in our classroom.
Oak Class had a lovely afternoon for World Book Day! We had 2 minutes to talk to the rest of the class about their favourite book and convince us to read it. We had some fabulous speeches, but the winner was Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. Well done to FFlur Meadon for her very convincing review! We enjoyed writing new blurbs and designing front covers for our books, and all in our pyjamas!
Our new Topic is Paws, Claws and Whiskers! We'll be finding out how the elephant got his trunk and how the rhinoceros got his leathery skin...Perhaps you know how the dog got it's waggy tail?
Please click on the Term 4 to see our exciting new learning grid.
In Maths we have been making estimates and comparing lengths and heights. We have discovered that some of us are as tall as a lion cub!
In English, we have been using the text Yeti and the Bird by Nadia Shireen. One morning this week we had a visit from a sad and lonely yeti! Oak Class kindly offered some excellent advice on how to make friends. We have written character descriptions, story predictions and postcards. We have also had some important discussions about friendships and not judging people by their appearance.