As in all units, pupils develop physical, social, emotional and thinking whole child objectives.
Pupils develop the basic skills required in invasion games such as sending, receiving and dribbling a ball. They develop their understanding of attacking and defending and what being 'in possession' means. They have the opportunity to play uneven and even sided games. They learn how to score points in these types of games and how to play to the rules. They work independently, with a partner and in a small group and begin to self-manage their own games, showing respect and kindness towards their teammates and opponents.
This term, we are learning Invasion Games.
Pupils are learning to move in time to music, complete spins, steps sequences, plan movements, and careful feet and arm placement.
Pupils are developing the skills that they learnt last term, continuing with invasion games, learning to read a game, tactics, accuracy of throwing , teamwork and building resilience.
This term, we are learning Gymnastics
We will be learning to move with control and precision. We are working on body management exercises to improve our posture, strength and flexibility. Children will also learn a routine of gymnastics moves, such as forward rolls, balances and turns. Some of our children attend extra curriculum gymnastics so lessons will be differentiated to suit individual children's needs.