It has been wonderful to see all the creations that Years 3 and 4 have been producing for their topic homework. We have heard tricky "What am I?" quizzes, fascinating facts and have posters in the classroom and corridors. The habitat projects seem to have really captured the imagination of the children this term, and they have produced carefully thought out and creative models.
Have a look at some of the habitats below!
Eagle Heights
On Friday 12th October 2018, Years 3 and 4 were lucky enough to be visited by some of the fantastic predators that they look after at Eagle Heights. The creatures James brought with him surpassed our expectations completely! Not only did we see a Peregrine Falcon and a Barn Owl, but he also brought a Bald Eagle called Alaska and a Boa Constrictor! The adults and children alike were mesmerised by the sheer size of the bald eagle and the silent flight of the barn owl. We were also able to stroke the Boa Constrictor, which was a real treat.
What a wonderful way to enhance our topic this term!