Scratch Art
To download Scratch please visit this website for a free version.
This Youtube clip below will teach you how to make Pixel art in Scratch. Have fun!
Optional Computing lessons - Summer term
As it is quite difficult to find specific computing lessons when we are all using different devices at home, we thought that we would provide optional computing lessons where you can practise your word processing, presentation and editing skills. For the following lessons over the next few weeks, you will need to have access to Microsoft Office. Once this section is complete, we will endeavour to find suitable lessons that can be accessed via iOS or Android.
Week 5
This week, we would like you to create a PowerPoint that could include some of the amazing home learning that you have been doing over the last few weeks or you could write about a topic of your choice. It would be great if you could include some of the computer skills that you have learnt in the last few sessions.
One Word Research
In Computing this week, we would like you to do some research on the internet, using a search engine such as Google or Bing. For your challenge, we would like you to type in just one word and then record what you find on the sheet provided below.
The word we would like you to research is:
Please read the PowerPoint first, which will give you tips on how to use a search engine and how to be safe on the internet. Please remember to ask an adult before using the internet.
Week 3
We would like you to create a slide show about your family. Please find all of the details you need in the document below.
The children have been using the program Scratch to set up algorithms. Please find the official website link below, where Scratch can be accessed for free. If you click on 'Start Creating' you do not need to register any details.
In computing, we have been learning about algorithms.
An algorithm is a detailed step-by-step set of instructions for solving a problem or completing a task. In computing, programmers write algorithms that instruct the computer how to perform a task.
Why not have a go at completing an algorithm, as well as creating your own one by following the instructions on the PowerPoint below.