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Kitchen Table: Addition B

Remember, I will use a variety of maths resources from school but also real-life items too. We don't expect you to have piles of counters, cubes or numicon at home - corks, stones and even pennies are just as good. So long as your child can pick them up, shuffle them around and count them yes.


Kitchen Table Maths: Addition with Tens Frames

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Now we have got the hang of addition with manipulatives (CPA: Concrete), we can begin practising addition using images in tens frames (CPA: Pictoral). Each of the tens frames below have 2 groups of different coloured cubes. Watch my videos above to see how I transfer from needing to use 'real' resources to being able to count them directly from the pictures.


Task: When you are ready to have a go at home, make sure you have post-it notes, scraps of paper or a notepad to record your number sentences on. You could even practise your commutative law skills by writing the pair of number sentences to match each tens frame (2+1=3, 1+2=3). Good Luck yes.




Kitchen Table Maths: Addition (blank tens frames)

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Crikey, we are on a rolllllllllll with addition. How did you get on with Miss Francis' filled in tens frames? I have seen some AMAZING photos streaming through. Don't forget, just because the resources are pictures instead of real items, we can still touch them to help us with counting. 1:1 correspondence (touch and count) is really important.


Your task today is to get creative with your own blank (empty) tens frames. Just like we have been practising in the last few sessions, pick yourself two groups of items (just a few of each) and place them into a blank tens frame. Count and write the corresponding (matching) number sentence. As an extra brain squeezer, why not try to write the cummutative law paired sentence!

A lightbulb moment in action

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Once your child has understood the concept of 'building' sentences and following your instructions to 'read' them aloud, the very best challenge you can give them is to explain the sequence of events as they go along. Reasoning is a hugely important skill in Maths and will occur throughout Primary and Secondary school, why not start in Reception. Wondering what it looks like? This is how it's done ;) Magical.



Kitchen Table Maths: Addition with Number TRACKS

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Still image for this video

Hooray for Jax + Jax Productions.

Here is your next addition session: it's NUMBER TRACKS!


You could draw your own or have a go with one of the printed versions below.

REMEMBER, stand strong on your starting number and.... JUMP onto the next number/s.

 -> Count.

 -> The. 

 -> Jumps.


You've got this yes.



Kitchen Table Maths: Addition with Number LINES

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Think you've seen this somewhere before? Take another look. Number tracks and number lines look VERY similar, however there are tiny little differences that can make for BIG mistakes.


Watch Mrs Jax's video carefully and see how she jumps from line to line. The gaps in the middle are holes - don't fall down them surprise. Pick your starting number and make sure that each leap lands on a number, not a gap or the correct number sentence answer will never appear!!!


Draw your own number line, use tape or chalk (outside!) or print yourself a copy from below. I wonder how many different number sentences you can complete using your new-found number line skills?? Don't forget to DOUBLE-UP the number of sentences by including their commutative law sentence pairs (and you don't even need to use ANY jumping for these!).









What, finished already?

Well...then I am THRILLED to tell you, you have completed the Addition 0-10 journey heart. Secret files for Subtraction are heading for download any day now. Watch. This. Space.
