As you will now be aware, we are developing our play provision at Churchill. We have identified 3 distinct phases to the development, beginning with the area the children currently use, and then expanding to encompass different parts of the school site. We are now starting to resource Phase 1. Below is our initial wish list and we would be grateful for any donations you (or grandparents, neighbours, friends etc) are able to make. Please ensure that anything donated is in good condition. For obvious reasons, we cannot accept broken items with sharp edges etc.
Wheeled Play
This will be limited initially due to the space available, but will then expand. Therefore initially we need some resources, but not lots.
Small World Play
Den Building
Dressing Up
Please note, we are not looking for costumes particularly, although a couple would be lovely. However, what we would really like are:
Mud Kitchen and Café
Arts and Crafts
Phase 2/3
In the longer term, we are also looking for:
Whilst we do not need these yet, we can store a number of items and are aware that sometimes some of these might be harder to source than others, so are happy to have any that you find now and keep them for Phase 2.
As the project develops, we will refine and adapt our wish lists as we see what works well and what the children enjoy the most. Please do keep an eye on Dojo as well as on here, as we will endeavour to regularly post an updated list or to let you know when we have sufficient donations of a particular item.
Thank you in advance for your help, it is so very much appreciated.