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Churchill C.E.

Primary School

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Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a legal duty to publish information that shows compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty, which are updated annually, and to publish our equality objectives.


Date of last review: October, 2023.


Equality Objectives

The school sets equality objectives which are reviewed at least every 4 years, although may be reviewed earlier if they are deemed to be met.


Our current objectives are:

  • To close the gap in progress between our children in receipt of Pupil Premium and all children nationally, especially following the impact of Covid-19 and school closures, and to ensure these children are challenged and supported to make excellent progress and achieve as highly as they are capable
  • To increase understanding of different cultures and races within and beyond the school community.
  • To increase understanding of other world faiths.
  • To increase understanding in the school community of the difficulties which can be experienced by pupils with SEND and how these pupils are a valuable part of our school community.


Through these objectives we aim to work towards the eradication of discrimination in our school community, and through this work, to impact discrimination in the wider community.


Compliance with Public Sector Equality Duty

The school values the importance of equality for all members of the school community. We ensure that we comply with the standards for Public Sector Equality Duty:


  • Policies - All policies are now part of a rolling program for Equality Impact Assessment using good practice guidance. Good practice guidance suggests policies should be reviewed on a three-year rolling program. As all our school policies are reviewed within a three-year window, we plan to assess each policy as it is written or reviewed, so that by Dec 2024, all policies will be impact assessed. 
  • Attainment and Progress - Data arising from the school's cycle and statutory assessments is considered for vulnerable groups including SEND, Pupil Premium, Gender, EAL, Ethnicity, Summer Born children and LAC.
  • Accessibility - The school has a Disability Accessibility Committee; a group of stakeholders from different components of the school community; who meet to consider the accessibility of the school site for people with different disabilities. The committee puts forward proposed improvements which are then included within the Disability Accessibility Action Plan. The committee also considers the existing plan and assesses the progress that has been made towards meeting previous targets.

Our School is partly accessible. Most ground floor areas are accessible, however the first floor is not.
