Thursday 7th January
The story continues...
Congratulations to all those who have ALREADY learnt part one of The Paper Dolls. It has been incredible to see Receptions and Year 1s, recalling such a lot of story language with excellent actions to match. Talk4Writing is such a clever method; even the staff are still learning about it, but loving how effective it is at engaging the children.
And so, on to your first task of the day. With part one in your memory, now it is time for part two. Poor Miss Francis has been so busy at school that she almost forgot to film this last night - how embarrassing!! Head on over to to see her next video. The second section of the story map is below ready for you too. Good luck, gang.
Task 2, woo hoo! Yesterday, you explored the meaning of 7 different verbs - learning to read and act them out. Today we are going to use those words in FULL SENTENCES (oh yeah ). Let's use my selfie word as an example: yawned.
She yawned. <- that's a sentence. It starts with a capital letter, has finger spaces and a full stop and includes my verb BUT it is a little borrrrrrring... Let's extend the sentence and make it more interesting.
Mrs Jax yawned very loudly. <- wowsers, that suddenly got a whole lot more exciting. Think we could improve it EVEN MORE??
Mrs Jax yawned as loud as a lion because she was terribly tired. <- now that is a sentence like a YEAR 2 (or 3!!). I bet you can't beat this sentence.
To remind you of our 7 verbs, I have taken screenshot photos of Aspen and Larch children mid-acting. Can you guess their word and then put it into a full sentence?
Reception: we are not expecting you to write these - have a go at saying your sentences. How long and complicated can you make them? Could you include words like 'and' ' because' 'then'.
Year 1: I am looking for not just amazing ideas INSIDE your sentences but also stunning handwriting on the OUTSIDE. Take your time, think about your letter formation and DON'T FORGET those finger spaces. What are you waiting for? Go!!
Wednesday 6th
Talk4Writing Begins!
Now that you have begun to explore the story of 'The Paper Dolls' (and did SUCH a great job at developing your own ending), we are going to begin learning the Talk4Writing story map.
The lovely Miss Francis has been working super hard at school to draw the first section and even prepared a little video for you with the actions included. It is pretty tricky remembering so many words (and nerve-wracking being on camera); you might notice she accidentally got muddled with the characters names. They are Ticky and Tacky, Jackie the Backie, Jim with two noses and Jo with the Bow. It doesn't matter when we make mistakes - we all know, they prove we are trying!
So, on to your first Literacy task for today: we would like YOU to learn the words and actions for the first section of the story. Watch Miss Francis and copy as she goes along just like we normally do in class. A copy of the story map is below for you to follow and 'read'. I wonder how many tries it will take before you are word and action perfect (probably a lot less than me!). Each day we will learn a new section, until the whole story is complete .
Miss Francis' video is here in the video centre:
Ready for task 2 already? Do you remember how we investigated vocabulary in the story ‘Whatever Next?’ We found out the meanings of words like ‘smart’, ‘journey’ and ‘gasped’.
In the section you have just read, the little girl was super busy with her paper dolls BUT did you understand WHAT she was busy doing? Look at this list of verbs:
Do you know what they mean? What do they look like? We would like you to act out each word (one after the other) and post your video onto Dojo. Write out your word on paper and hold it up before/during your demonstration so that your audience can tell what you are acting. I have made a selfie example below to help you.
Happy verb-ing!
TUESDAY 5th January 2021
It's investigation time...
Take a look at the front and back covers of our new book.
Try reading the blurb text on the back cover - does it give you any clues? Have any of your answers changed now? If so, what made you change your mind?
Now have a read through from Pages 1-6 (no skipping ahead, cheeky monkeys!). The dinosaur clawed and roared and said, "I'm going to get you!" BUT what happens next??
Your task today is to create your own zig zag book and carry on the story.
Will Ticky and Tacky and Jackie the Backie and Jim with two noses and Jo with the bow be gobbled up by the terrifying dinosaur? Or maybe they'll invite him to join their paper chain and fly off into the sky hand in hand with Milo the Dino?
You could draw all the pictures yourself or ask a grown up to help you print illustrations from the earlier pages to stick in and add new details to.
Reception: once your drawings are complete, can you annotate them with word labels. Perhaps you could write doll, dino, hand, sky - say the word out loud and then write the sounds you here. Remember, we are not looking for perfect spellings, this is your chance to wow mum and dad with your phonics skills! Have a go at writing maybe 3 different words in your book.
Year 1: It's sentence time! Let's wake those brains up gently with one simple sentence for each page. Pleeeeeeeeease remember finger spaces (Owen!!) and don't forget that all important full stop at the end or your words might just fall off the page. Beware the BLACK HOLE though, it could swallow all those wonderful ideas.
Once you're finished, post some photos up onto Dojo and I'll try and make a collage for everyone to see. If you fancy an extra challenge, why not film yourself reading the story like a real storyteller!
Good luck my superstars xx