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Guided Reading

During our guided reading time, we look at extracts from fact and fiction books to practise our comprehension skills. So that we are able to provide the children with a wide range of reading material, we do not often use more than one chapter from a text before moving on. We have decided to share the titles and authors of the books we have been using, in case your child has enjoyed the extract and would like to read on. We hope that you find this useful when choosing potential reading material for your child. 


Sofia's Dream - Land Wilson. 

Pocket Pirates, The Great Drain Escape - Chris Mould.

Eddy Stone and the Mean Genie's Curse - Simon Cherry

Really Remarkable Reptiles - Jake Williams

The Christmasaurus - Tom Fletcher

Junkyard Jack and the Horse That Talked - Adrian Edmondson

The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Philip Pullman

The Witches - Roald Dahl


