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Primary School

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Week 1 


Please read the free online copy of Where the Wild Things Are (link below)


Max's bedroom magically transformed into a forest! If your bedroom could transform into anything or anywhere, where would it be and what would you do? Could you draw a picture of what it would look like? In Science we've been learning about our senses, so maybe you could write a description of what you can see, hear, smell or touch. If you really want to challenge yourself, you could write a diary entry about it. Remember to include some WOW adjectives to make your writing exciting. 



One of the children's favourite activities at school is handwriting practice! Have a go at practicing writing our high frequency words on some lined paper. Rembember; letters b, d, h, k, l and t have ascending lines that are high and letters f, g, j, p, q and y have descending lines that are low. 


High Frequency Words
