Investigations are a great way for the children to practise mathematical concepts. There are three choices of investigation this week, a Mild (Monster), Spicy (Five Coins Challenge) and Hot (The Puzzling Sweet Shop).
Each of these challenges require multiple answers and are not designed to be a quick 5 minute task. They require perseverance and patience, two really important life skills.
Today, I would like you to choose a challenge and really dig your teeth in to it. Use coins (or objects) to help with your counting, or you might like to draw your working out. When you are working on an investigation, you need to come up with a systematic (clear) way to record your answers so that you don't miscount or repeat any.
The video below offers some tips for how to efficiently add three one-digit numbers using what we know. The children are always encouraged to look for patterns and make connections with their prior learning. When adding three one-digit numbers, they can use their number bonds, partition a number in order to make a bond to 10, spot doubles, or simply just count on. No matter what order the three numbers are added, they should arrive at the same answer (provided they have counted correctly of course). I would always recommend using objects such as pasta or cheerios for example, or drawing out a sum to make it visual, to support with any calculation.
The dice game is for all abilities and can be played to challenge a sibling or grown up, but offers an opportunity for a little more practise.