Week starting 1st March 2021
Lesson 2 Rescue Me
Listen to the PowerPoint and enjoy the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes, is there a time when you have felt rescued or helped someone else? Happy learning children Mrs Tyrrell
Term 4 - Salvation
Welcome to a new term children and a new RE topic all about big questions surrounding the Christian beliefs and ideas of Salvation. We will begin this unit by watching a short video and thinking about your questions and ideas.
Happy learning and do not forget to post your ideas on Class Dojo. Mrs Tyrrell
So children we have come to the last week of term and before we move onto a new unit, it's time to reflect on all we have learnt. This week I would like you to show us with as much detail as possible, all that you have learned about The Trinity.
Read the PowerPoint presentation, there are speech buttons to help you. Then do the activity. Finally do not forget to upload your work on Class Dojo.
I look forward to seeing, hearing or reading your ideas. Have fun!
Mrs Tyrrell
What can we learn from Bible Stories? How many do we know? What are they trying to teach us?
Read the PowerPoint presentation, there are speech buttons to help you. Then do the activity. Finally do not forget to upload your work on Class Dojo.
I look forward to reading your bible stories mini booklets. Do not forget you can add colour and your thoughts about the meaning of the stories.
Mrs Tyrrell
INCARNATION What does it mean? Can you explain it?
Read the PowerPoint presentation, there are speech buttons to help you. Then do the activity. Finally do not forget to upload your work on Class Dojo.
I look forward to seeing and reading your pictures and thoughts to explain Incarnation
Mrs Tyrrell
Lesson 2 - The Gospels
Please work through the PowerPoint introducing the Gospels, then complete the questions at the end.
I have included the audio again, as most of you have been able to use this effectively. Unfortunately, there have been some issues with playing the audio if you use some Apple products. I haven't been able to find a way around this, however the audio is only reading through what is included in the PowerPoint. Therefore, even if the audio is not working for you, you can still complete your learning.
Keep up the great work!
Lesson 1 - The Trinity
I have recorded audio for this PowerPoint so that you are able to access the learning as independently as possible. Please let me know if this isn't working for you and I will try to fix it!
You should be able to watch the PowerPoint as a slide show and click on the speaker button to hear my narration.
I look forward to seeing your Trinity symbols on Class Dojo!