Term 3
This term we have been focusing on multiplication and division in year 2 and 3.
This involves:
Times Tables
Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with your multiplications mastered, you can do almost anything!
Learning one table makes it easier to learn others
By starting with basic tables and building up, children can learn number rules which will make learning other tables easier. For example, once you know your 2 times table, you can learn your 4 times table simply by doubling the answers!
Tables help with mental arithmetic
Memorising tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads. It can also help to develop the ability to mentally add, subtract and divide!
Tables can help you understand other mathematical concepts
Knowing their times tables can also help your child more readily grasp other important aspects of maths, such as fractions, division and percentages.
Knowing your times tables increases confidence!
Perhaps most importantly, memorising their tables will give your child confidence in their own skills – there’s nothing more ‘grown up’ than not having to use your fingers to work out an answer! This confidence will help them in SATs or other assessments, and ultimately, ease their move into secondary education.
Year 3 - Formal method of multiplication
Year 3 - Division by partitioning
Year 3s have been learning how to divide using partitioning and their knowledge of times tables. We know that 30 is a multiple of 3, therefore we can partition 42 into 30 and 12.
Term 2
In term 2, our main focus is developing our understanding of addition and subtraction. This involves looking at patterns between numbers, understanding our money system and learning more formal methods of calculation.
For further information about what children in year 2 and 3 should understand, please look at the Mathematics programmes of study from the National curriculum.
Base 10 will be used extensively so that children have a secure understanding of what is happening when we add or subtract numbers. They will be taught to use the correct mathematical language of "exchange" when they need to exchange between hundreds, tens and ones. This has built upon their understanding of partitioning numbers in different ways, for example that 51 is 5 tens and 1 one, but is also 4 tens and 11 ones etc.
Once children are secure with the relationship between 1, 10, 100 and 1000, they may also use place value counters to represent the numbers they are calculating with.
Formal column addition is introduced in year 3, whereas year 2s will be taught to draw the base 10 to ensure that they have a secure understanding of what is happening when we add and subtract, before moving onto more abstract methods.
Term 1
In term 1, our main focus in maths is place value. A secure understanding of place value is essential for all other mathematical knowledge to build upon.
The children will use a variety of concrete resources to support their learning and prove their understanding. It is essential that all children are exposed to different representations of values, to truly appreciate what is meant when they are given a value written in digits.
These are some of the resources that your children will be using in their maths lessons:
Base 10 is a fantastic resource as it clearly shows the relationship between 1, 10, 100 and 1000.
Place value counters are very useful when making larger values, once a child is secure with the relationship between the values.
Tens frames show the importance in learning our number bonds and can show children ways to calculate with values, for example adding on to the next multiple of 10 before continuing.
Straw bundles are an easy resource to make and reinforces the idea that a ten is equal to 10 ones. Children can use them to count forwards and backwards in tens, as well as finding 10 more or 10 less than a number.
A beadstring can help model the number bonds to 100. It can be used very effectively to add a concrete resource alongside teaching children to use a number-line.