Welcome to our Nurture and Wellbeing page!
Here at Churchill, the well-being of our pupils is of the utmost importance.
Who is Mrs Kinsey?
Hi, I’ve worked at Churchill for over 10 years as a TA and a HLTA before moving into my new role in 2018. Over the last year, I have enjoyed developing our Wellbeing Provision, working with both children and their families, in my new role as Children and Families Liaison Officer (C-FLO). It is a diverse and interesting role, which is crucial to the success of the school, and one which I love.
A pupil in Early Years, when asked what I do replied, "She makes sure we are happy in school!"
What does the C-FLO role involve?
I organise a wide ranging offer of interventions and support for children experiencing difficulties, including those cause by social, emotional and mental health special needs.
Examples of these are:
- Social and emotional interventions such as talk about,
- Lego therapy,
- Anger management group work.
- 1:1 'Listening Ear' sessions
I am also responsible for monitoring school attendance promoting the importance of being a Churchill H.E.R.O (Here Everyday Ready On time!).
Providing support to parents/carers is another part of my role, whether it’s helping to apply for pupil premium, supporting them through family situations or guiding them to outside agencies.
I have many ideas for the future of this area of the school's work, but am always open to new ideas: if you have an idea for something you think we could be doing, do get in touch.
A couple of new projects I’m working on are introducing parent coffee catch up sessions to build relationship with parents, these will also provide information from outside professionals as well as internal staff also a Peace Garden which will be like an external chill out club!
Chill Out Club
For some children the hustle and bustle of an exciting playground is a real challenge. Amani Club is available at lunchtimes, where they can play board games, play with Lego, chill on beanbags, complete mindful colouring and much more.
For several years, we have been involved in a project called MindUp. This aims to help children understand about their brains, how they work and how to use this knowledge to help them response in a calmer way to situations which arise. Find out more on our MindUP page.
In-School Counselling Service
Finally we are fortunate to have a range of different counselling services who work with individual children who are in need of more intensive support. Whilst there is a cost attached to this work, we are often able to fund it where it is needed by children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.
If you would like to contact me please call school office, pop in a see me (I do not work Wednesday mornings) or email me gkinsey@churchill.kent.sch.uk