Welcome to Term 4! I do hope you all havd a happy and restful week.
In English this term we will be using our version of Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers to invent our own voyage and return stories. The children have loved learning the words and actions by heart using our story map (below). We have created mag-pie books where we can store words, phrases and ideas that other writers have used that we really like. We can then use them in our own wrting. This is one of the key strategies that is part of the Talk4writing ethos.
In maths we will be focusing on place value (within 20). The children will learn each number from 11 to 19 has '1 ten and some more'. They will see 10 and 20 as having just tens and no ones, and they will still need to understand that numbers can be seen in different ways (e.g 1 ten being equal to 10 ones). The children will continue to use numicon and ten frames but we will also introduce Base 10 (below). It is key that children fully understand place value before they move onto adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.