Remember, I will use a variety of maths resources from school but also real-life items too. We don't expect you to have dienes, counters or numicon at home - straws, cocktail sticks and egg box ten frames are just as good. So long as your child can pick them up, count them and replicate what I do .
Now you are brilliant at recognising and counting numbers of objects, we can use different resources to make them. Last time we explored the website and you were able to use dienes rods and place value counters/cards as well as the numicon shapes and ten frames you have had at home. All of these resources are going to be super useful today, as well as the Part Part Whole game on
When learning numbers larger than 10, it is VERY important that we understand what they are made of. If I asked you to show 3 fingers, you know that is less than five and so you can use just one hand (that's easy!). The number 14 is larger than ten and so we know that we need one bundle of straws/ a numicon ten/ one dienes rod AND four more.
Number 14 is made of 1 ten AND 4 ones
14 = 10 + 4
Sometimes you might see part-part-whole models with a mixture of manipulatives and numbers. Always look really carefully to check that you are demonstrating the tens and ones correctly - just like in these pictures:
We have to be really careful to remember that tens and ones are different. If you have 4 tens then that means 4 lots of ten.
4 lots of 10 = 40
four lots of ten
This is NOT 4 lots of one.
Can you see which Part-Part-Whole models below are wrong? One of them says 42 (whole) is made of 4 (part) + 2 (part). That would look like this in a number sentence: 42 = 4 + 2. Is this correct? No, 4+2=6.
Another one shows 42 (whole) being made up of 11 (part) and 31 (part). This is true HOWEVER, today we are ONLY separating our numbers into tens and ones please. We will come back to using part-part-whole for mixed addition in a different lesson.
TASK: Complete the part-part-whole challenges below. You are showing the tens and ones each number is made of. Choose which level of difficulty you want to work within, 11-30 or 11-100. If you fancy an extra brain wiggle afterwards, try the Mastery activity cards - these are aimed at Year 1 curriculum.
Send me photos of you using your practical resources please - it is super important that you can effectively use manipulatives BEFORE you start writing numbers. Understanding place value by splitting two-digit numbers into tens and ones is the root learning that helps us remember which number comes first when writing. Please do not miss this vital step out. You might like to have a go at showing some of your answers using the part-part-whole machine on the ICTGames website.
Don't forget to ask yourself, are you looking at 1 or '1 lot of ten', the answer you show will be very different!