We have been super busy in class, learning all the elements of a strong information poster. We know:
title (big, bold, exciting, colourful, UNDERLINED!)
sentences (including capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces and full stops)
labels (words or phrases - not sentences, don't forget your arrows)
pictures (drawings and photos)
bullet point lists (words or phrases - not sentences, keep your bullets looking the same and underneath each other)
Practice labelling using the clothes labelling template. Could you take a photo of your bedroom or playroom and label all the items you can see? Remember to use your phonic sounds to sound out each word and don't forget those all important ARROWS.
Demonstrate your new labelling skills by labelling the London map. Which landmarks can you see? Or other human features? Think about where is sensible to start writing - leave plenty of space and DON'T write up the hill!
Pick a new landmark and get creative/constructing. I wonder where in the world your landmark is found? Do some research, find out lots of fabulous and interesting facts.
Design your very own poster about your chosen landmark to match your model. Think back across all the elements we have learnt and aim to demonstrate every single one to your very best ability! Remember how we did a practise run with the 'koalas' information - can you design something even more eye-catching and interesting?