Welcome to Larch Class!
Larch Class is made up of Reception and Year 1 pupils at Churchill Primary School.
Class Teacher: Miss Francis
Teaching Assistant: Miss Thomas
Our classroom is designed for the children to be independent in accessing activities and equipment, with space for quiet and shared sessions, as well as use of a rapidly developing outdoor learning environment. Our indoor and outdoor ‘learning zones’ encompass resources for the areas of learning in the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum’, and each includes equipment designed to challenge children with National Curriculum stimulus.
We are a very friendly and outgoing class with a keen interest in exploration and every day brings a fresh challenge which we can’t wait to meet. Outdoor learning takes place in Winston's Den, just outside our classroom, and our Forest School area set in our own woodland! These sessions enhance both academic and social interactions and bring alive learning in a way unrivalled by closed classrooms.
🏠 Homework: Reading is key to all of our learning, and reading for pleasure is celebrated throughout the year. Our expectation is that children are reading at home either by themselves, with a sibling or an adult every day. Reading records are checked each morning, so please ensure they are completed and signed 📚
Home learning each week consists of: Reading (minimum of 10 mins per day); a mind boggler challenge and letter formation. Thank you already for your support in ensuring that your child completed their homework on time and to a good standard – this is such a valuable addition to their learning in school.
Uniform: A quick reminder too about school uniform. Smart school uniform should be worn with polished black school shoes (leather upper) and not with trainers please. All children need to wear a tie to school every day. We have talked in class this week about taking pride in our school and in our school uniform and the children are very keen to ensure they are doing both. Hair should be tied back for school if it is long enough and should be fastened with plain green, navy or black hair fastenings.
Our P.E day is Wednesday, and children should come in school uniform as independence and getting changed is key to the EYFS/KS1 curriculum.
Top Tips for EYFS/ Year 1 Parents: