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Y2: Handwriting




In Year 2 we teach cursive handwriting and practise our letter formation daily. I thought it would be helpful for me to do some videos on our lined paper to show the correct letter formation, but I have also included a link to a good website below which offers a range of ideas for games and activities that help to build the key strengths and physical skills important for handwriting.   


It is important to acknowledge that handwriting is a complex skill to learn and starts well before a child is ready to pick up a pencil and make marks on paper. There are many skills and strengths that need to be learnt and developed in stages as a child grows which establishes a foundation upon which to develop good handwriting. These include:

  • Gross Motor Skills - Posture base & bilateral coordination
  • Fine Motor Skills - Sensory perception and hand and finger muscles (to hold and control the pencil correctly)
  • Eye Tracking Ability - Letter formation and position
  • Spatial Awareness - Position of the paper and of the letters on the lines
  • Motor Memory - Remember and recall how to form the different shapes of the letters
  • Visual Memory - Letter formation, position and how to join to letters to form words

*Please keep an eye out for the Year R/1 Clever Fingers page for a whole host of other activities designed to develop fine motor skills.
