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Thank You Letter

Thank you Storytime



If you haven't already been up to school to grab your copies of the Storytime magazine, then please do so that you can enjoy them over the half term break.


Please take the time to write a thank you letter to the team at Storytime for their kind gift. 


📝 Tell them what your favourite story is and why

📝 Who is your favourite character? What do you like about them?

📝 Do any of the stories teach us an important lesson e.g. about friendship, kindness, being brave, showing courage...

📝 What did you most enjoyed about looking at and reading the magazines?

📝 Perhaps you might even like to include one of your own stories that you write after being inspired by all of theirs.


Take a look at the 'Letter Writing Checklist' below to help you.



These are the address details to include in your letter:


Storytime, 61 Bridge Street, Kington. HR5 3DJ, UK
