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Week 2

Thursday 14th January


Start today by reading back through your opening paragraph from yesterday. Use the non-negotiables toolkit to check:

Does it make sense?

Have I used the correct punctuation?

Are my letters on the line?

Have I used finger spaces in between each word?


And then there an expanded noun phrase to describe either my character or my setting? If there isn't, have a look at the adjectives task before you start writing your second paragraph.

Now take a look at the ppt below because we are going to be writing the build up to our story.

Wednesday 13th January

1. One of your non-negotiables for writing in Year 2 is punctuating your sentences, so I would like to you to warm up for your writing today by completing this short "Capital letters and full stops' punctuation activity. 


2. Next, take a look at our writing toolkit in the PowerPoint below. There are many tools we need for writing. As we learn and develop our skills as a writer we begin to use these tools, selecting those that are appropriate for a particular form, such as a stories, instructions, non-chronological reports etc. 


Today we are just writing the opening paragraph of our Journey Story. I have written my story start as an example and have recorded a short video to talk you through the features that I have included. Have fun and I can't wait to read the start of your story! 😃

Tuesday 12th January

1. Begin today by completing the two short grammar tasks about verbs. Verbs are a very important part of speech because without them a sentence cannot exist. They serve several purposes within a sentence:


  • Make a statement – The dog ran home.
  • Help to ask a question – Did he run home?
  • Give a command – Run home.
  • Express action – The dog ran after the ball.
  • Express a state of being – The dog is tired from running


2. Then, before opening our boxed up planning grid, retell the story 'The Journey Home' using our story map. When they are confident that they know the story and can retell it all the way through verbally, they should try to write the story down in just 6 sentences (bare-bones story). These steps are all important for us to internalise the story and remember the story structure. I'm still looking for neat handwriting and complete, punctuated sentences.  



3. Finally, using the Boxed-Up planning grid, have a go at making some substitutions to the story and recording them in the final 'Invention' column. There are some prompt questions in the boxes to help. When you are deciding what changes to make, remember that the more changes, the harder the challenge! You don't have to make a change at each stage of the story.
