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As well as the additional activities and tasks we will be adding over the coming weeks, we would like the children to continue their daily activities on Doodlemaths and Lexia (your child know whether or not they have a Lexia account.)  











Reception  Week 14 

In Maths this week we are learning all about divisionDivision is sharing things out so this ties in nicely with our focus story this week! Try and share things out fairly in your family at home. For example if you have some raisins try and share them between two family members making sure that each person gets the same amount so that it is fair! Lots of practical activities will help your child understand division. I collected 4 teddies and 8 bananas and I shared the bananas out equally between the teddies. Have a look at my photos below to give you ideas of how to share out items in your own home. Perhaps you can take a photo of you sharing something out and send it to us.

First I collected 4 teddies. Then I collected 8 bananas. Finally I shared the bananas between my teddies.



Watch this video to understand about sharing fairly. When you have finished watching it select from the bank of worksheets below to check you fully understand the concept of sharing. I am not expecting you to do all of these worksheets!

Numberjacks | Fair Shares

Learn to Half - Halving Story - Sharing Story - Maths Story

Watch this sharing story and see if you can work out the answers as you go!

Year 1 Week 14


Telling the time to the hour.


When we tell the time, there are two hands on the clock - the hour hand, which is short, and the minute hand which is long.




Activity 1

Look at this clock and have a think about the questions below.

How many hands can you see on the clock?

Do you know how to use them to find out what time it is?

Which hand is for the hours and which hand is for the minutes?

What time does the clock say in this picture?

If the party starts at 5 o'clock, what will the clock show?


Use this picture to help you if you find this tricky.


The first clock shows 7 o'clock.

The second clock shows 2 o'clock.

Did you get them right?


Now let's practice!




Activity 2

Yesterday we had a go at telling the time to the hour.


Today we are going to learn to tell the time to the half hour.


Remember that a clock has two hands - the hour hand and the minute hand. Do you remember how to tell which one is which?

What time does the Teacher say that assembly will start?


Can you see the minute hand on the classroom clock in the picture? Where is it pointing?


This shows us it is half past. When the minute hand is on 6 we know it is half past.

What is the time on the clock in the picture? The hour hand will have gone a little bit past the hour we are on.


This will help you:


Now practice telling the time to half an hour!

Activity 3

Today we are going to think about how long it might take to do a simple activity, and to understand how long seconds are compared to minutes.


You will need a stopwatch to time the activities.


Here is the list of your activities and how long you have to complete each one. You need to look at the activity and how long you have to do it. Then guess how many times you can do it, before completing it.


You can print this off and fill it in if you wish.


You will need an adult to time you.


There is a space at the bottom for you to make up your own activity.

Activity 4

Yesterday we timed ourselves doing activities for a number of seconds or minutes.


Today we are going to use this understanding to help us estimate some different activities.


Remember that some activities might only take seconds, some might take minutes, but some activities might take hours.


What about these activities. Do you think they will take seconds, minutes or hours?

Now have a go at today's quick task:




Activity 5

We have spent time this week learning about seconds, minutes and hours. Today we are going to  Compare time.


Look at what the teacher is saying here.

How long did it take the class to tidy the room yesterday?

Was that a long time, or a short time?

Do you think that they should be able to do it more quickly?


What time would be faster than 20 minutes to tidy the classroom?

If George tidies his desk in 30 seconds, is this faster or slower than 1 minute?

Now try Activity 5 - Comparing Time

If you have STILL not have enough maths for one week, please find below some problem solving activities to keep your brilliant brains active!
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