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Important Events

Ready for your next mission? Look over your shoulder to check no-one is sneaking a peek and then scroll in...


Secret FILE #3 - Important Events

This mission is bringing YOUR childhood into the limelight! 



Hunt out a photograph or object that reflects an important life event for you, maybe...

  • a special birthday
  • christening
  • family celebration
  • personal achievement (glistening medals and trophy time!)


Take the stage, jump in front of the camera (don't forget your detective disguise) and share your special item. We would love you to describe your event and why it is so important to you.

  • What is your item and what does it look like (or do??)
  • How long ago did the event happen? 
  • Can you describe your event using time-related words and phrases?


Write down your important event information into your secret file notebooks. Use the recording sheet below.

  • Ask grown ups and siblings to help you learn more about what happened that day
  • Include dates (and times if they are relevant!) to your notes
  • Plus, pictures of who else was there and what the scene looked like - with labels of course!

There is also an extra special word mat enclosed to help you too.



Keep these documents safe, Detectives. Remember, they are classified information!

Good Luck with your mission yes, see you on Dojo.
