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Churchill C.E.

Primary School

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We are constantly reminded of the importance of Unity, of being one cohesive team, whether staff, pupils, families or governors. Together we can achieve so much more, supporting one another, encouraging one another and valuing each person’s unique contribution.


This is explained very clearly in the new testament, by Paul when speaking to the church in Corinth. He explains that no one part is more important than any other, despite how it might initially appear, and that all the parts are needed, with each having their own strengths. “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body (1 Corinthians 12: 12). We seek out, recognise and celebrate individual strengths, but also help children to understand how their gifts can be used, and come together with those of others, to build a rich community.


For our school to be the best it can be, to build the best possible all-round education for every child, takes every member of our school community to recognise that they are a valuable part of a team, all pulling together in the same direction, as one.


“Ohana means family and family means no-one left behind or forgotten.” (Lilo and Stitch)
