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Churchill C.E.

Primary School

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It is vitally important for children's health to keep moving, however cold it is outside. As well as having a good run around at the park/field/garden if you have one, the following ideas are good for a quick burst of activity, in the house: 


The following are all found on You Tube: 


Cosmic Kids Yoga 

Chance to Shine 

Joe Wicks PE lessons (go to the Body Coach TV on YouTube, new live work outs start this week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings)

Jump Start Jonny


Zumba for kids

Just Dance


Supermovers on the BBC website. Lively and active, also great consolidation for punctuation and spelling rules, times tables and basic maths operations. They are great fun and the children enjoy them when we are at school as a fantastic brain break. 


The children could also practise the netball and football drills we have been working on at school during PE/Games.


At the weekend, the children could teach you and as a family, you could play the Traffic Light game, the Bean game,Tag, Bridges and Rivers or even, the running around the circle trying to "beat the ball" game that we play at school.


We will hopefully be taking online class PE lessons soon, watch this space for an invitation to your class lesson!


Keep active and keep safe everyone!

